Lost sleep due to work, woman claims – haven’t slept for 30 years

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Can you imagine someone not sleeping a single night for 30 years? A Vietnamese woman claims that she has never slept for the last three decades. This story is in contrast to ‘Sleeping Beauty’, where the princess always slept. This woman has spent most of her life awake, and you will be surprised to know how this was possible.

Nguyen Ngoc Mai Kim’s claim

According to the Oddity Central website, 49-year-old Nguyen Ngoc My Kim of Vietnam claims that she has never slept in the last 30 years. This is not a disease, but he has made his body like this through discipline and practice. It may sound unusual, but Kim says that it took him many years to reach this level.

Identity of ‘Taylor who never sleeps’

Nguyen Ngoc Mai Kim as ‘the tailor who never sleeps’ Is known as, and she accepts it with pride. Kim says that despite not sleeping for decades, there has been no negative impact on her health. She can live a normal life without sleeping and she does not feel any lack of sleep.

How did you get into the habit of waking up?

According to Kim, when she was young, she was so fond of studies that she used to keep studying till late night. After becoming a tailor, he sometimes worked all night to complete his orders on time. In the initial phase, he felt tired, took naps, and sometimes made mistakes in his work. But after living like this for several months, his body and eyes became adapted to this habit.

The lights always remain on in Kim’s shop day and night.

Today, the lights in Kim’s shop are always on and the door is always open. Anyone can go inside and see them working. She says that now she is unable to sleep even if she wants to, and it has had no effect on her health.

What effect does not getting enough sleep have on health?

A recent study has shown that getting too little or too much sleep can cause brain damage and increase the risk of stroke and dementia in the future. Doctors recommend that one should try to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep every day and it is important to create and stick to a regular sleep schedule.

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