Animal-like cruelty, wounds on every part of the body and an anonymous murderer… this is how the case of murder of 20 year old Yashshree got complicated.

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Yashashree Shinde Murder Mystery: The dead body of a twenty year old girl was found in Mumbai, which reminded us of the Nirbhaya case of 2012. According to the police and the doctors who conducted the post-mortem of the dead body, there is hardly any part of the girl’s body where injury marks are not found. There were also some marks of cruelty to animals. The girl whose dead body was found was sexually assaulted by a boy six years ago. When the truth came out, the accused went to jail. Now the police suspect that he has brutally murdered the girl after coming from jail.

The girl had gone missing on 25th July
Yashashree Shinde, a 20-year-old girl from Uran taluka of Navi Mumbai suddenly went missing from her house. On the morning of Thursday, July 25, she had left the house saying she was going to meet a friend. But she did not return home even after it was evening. On top of that, his mobile phone was also switched off. In such a situation, the troubled family members first tried hard to find Yashashree on their own, along with his friends, they also inquired about Yashashree from their relatives. But when there was no trace of her, she lodged a missing report of her daughter at the nearby police station on the intervening night of Thursday and Friday.

Police found abandoned dead body
After completing her commerce studies, Yashashree was working as a data entry operator in a company. According to his family members, his circle was quite limited. In such a situation, even the police themselves were surprised about his disappearance. But before the police could gather any concrete information about him, on the intervening night of Friday and Saturday, the police got the news of an abandoned dead body lying near a petrol pump in Kotanaka area. This dead body was of a girl. And coincidentally the age of the girl who died was also around 20-22 years. In such a situation, the Uran police informed Yashashree’s family, so that after seeing the body, they could tell whether the body was that of their daughter or someone else?

Identification by tattoo on waist
By now the police had taken the body into their custody. His condition was very bad, there were many knife wounds on his body. Even his face and private parts were badly crushed. Many parts of the body had become food for stray dogs. But despite all this, the family members identified him with the help of the clothes present on the dead body and a tattoo on his waist. This dead body was not that of anyone else but that of Yashashree, the daughter of the Shinde family, whose missing report had been lodged by her family members.

Police asked questions to the family
But now the biggest question was that who put Yashashree in this condition? After all, what kind of enmity did this girl or her family have with anyone? Now the police started interrogating the family members. Actually the police wanted to know whether the girl or her family had any old enemy?

Taxi driver used to harass the girl
In connection with this investigation, the police came to know about an old incident that happened with Yashashree. The family members told that in the year 2018, a taxi driver named Dawood used to harass Yashashree a lot. And during the same time, he had also exploited Yashashree, after which she had filed a report against Dawood under the sections of POCSO Act and Dawood was arrested and sent to jail. Who was later released from jail. In such a situation, they suspect that Dawood may have a hand in this incident too. In such a situation, now the police investigation also revolves around the same taxi driver Dawood.

Dawood wanted to take revenge from the girl!
The family members say that after coming out of jail, Dawood was again after Yashashree and this time he wanted to take revenge for his own going to jail. He conspired with his daughter and called her to meet him and seeing the opportunity, he murdered her. Seeing the barbaric manner in which Dawood took Yashashree’s life, it is clear how much hatred he had for Yashashree and his family.

Police got clue from CDR
Although the police have not yet officially said about Dawood’s involvement in this case, but in the investigation of the call detail record (CDR) of the girl who was killed in the incident, the police have found such signs which point towards Dawood. Actually, Dawood is originally from Karnataka. According to the police, after being arrested and sent to jail in the case of Yashashree’s exploitation, when he was released, he left the jail and went to Karnataka. But in the meantime he had returned to Navi Mumbai. The police have also found evidence of this in their technical investigation.

Who is the girl’s anonymous friend?
On the other hand, the family members have made another shocking revelation. According to the police, before going to meet her anonymous friend, Yashashree had told about this to another friend of hers and had also told that she was very scared of meeting him. Now the question arises that who was that anonymous friend, because Yashashree had talked about her fear, but had not told who was the person whom she was going to meet on Thursday?

Politics over murder of Dalit girl
On the other hand, after the barbaric manner in which Yashashree’s life was taken, there is tremendous anger among the people against her murderer. Many leaders have demanded to take strict action against the accused, register a case of murder as well as harassment of a Dalit girl and prosecute him in a fast track court and hang him.

After all, who is the real murderer?
At present the question is that if as per the claim of the family members, Dawood is the murderer of their daughter, if his location has also been found near Navi Mumbai i.e. Uran, then why is he out of the reach of the police? Why are the police hands empty despite forming several teams and searching for the accused? The question is also that if it is a case of murder, then what is its motive? Did the accused, who had already been arrested in the case of exploitation of the girl, really want to take revenge from her or her family? If this is so then why couldn’t Yashashree understand this? If he was afraid of going to meet his anonymous friend, then why didn’t he tell this to his family?

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