Robots will soon become life partners of people, will replace husband and wife, surprising claim of experts

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Having physical relations is essential for the survival of the entire world. It is a requirement of all humans and animals. As the way of human life changed, he invented some machine or technology for his every need. In such a situation, the question arises whether this structure of human relationships will be taken over by technology in the coming future. Can humanoid robots play the role of romantic relationships, human emotions, or spouses?

There will be changes in relationships in the world in the future

Regarding all these questions, the foreign newspaper Mirror published a report, in which with the help of some studies it was explained whether this is possible or not? According to the study, there will be many changes regarding relationships in the world in the coming 30 years. Robots will become so human like in appearance, action and personality that people will start loving them and will not hesitate in forming spiritual and physical relationships with them.

Can they also play the role of husband or wife in future?

Ronald Arkin, a roboticist at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, estimates that human-robot interactions will become completely normal by 2050. These robots will become our colleagues and perhaps marriages with male or female robots may also begin. If humanoid AI robots can perform tasks like agriculture, industry, animal husbandry, construction, cooking and serving food in hotels and restaurants, household chores, child care and entertainment, can they also play the role of husband or wife in the future?

Robot can give physical happiness but family happiness?

However, sociologists do not agree with the prediction of robots making inroads into human relationships. According to him, a machine can never be human. Intimacy is the foundation of human relationships. Only after this the building of human relationships can be built. Where will the intimacy between husband, wife and children in a family come from a robot? And it is also not possible that this quality of a human being will disappear in the coming years. Even for those who are not married, robots can make their lives a little easier. Robot can also give physical happiness but it can hardly give family happiness.

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