CO2 Rising: How deadly carbon dioxide clouds hover over India, watch NASA’s video

CO2 Rising: How deadly carbon dioxide clouds hover over India, watch NASA’s video

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NASA has made a new map of the world. In this, deadly carbon dioxide clouds are visible hovering over the world. If you zoom in on the map, you will see the situation above your city. To make this map, NASA has collected data from January to March 2020.

Watch the video here below

After zooming, you will also come to know that CO2 is coming out from a power plant. Or from forest fire. Or from cities. Clouds of this deadly gas are covering the entire atmosphere of the earth. They keep traveling over the ocean from one continent to another. But from where in the world is so much CO2 coming out?

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Climate scientist Leslie Ott of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center said that China, America and South Asia (which includes India) emit the most carbon dioxide. The source of emissions are power plants. Industrial areas. Cars and trucks Are.

NASA, India, CO2, Carbon Dioxide

Somewhere there is forest fire and somewhere forests are being cut down.

If we talk about Africa and South America, most of the carbon dioxide emissions there are due to forest fires. The reason for this is land management. There is controlled agricultural methods and deforestation. Apart from this, carbon dioxide is also being released due to burning of oil and coal here.

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The more CO2 is released, the sooner the climate will change.

NASA used its Scientific Visualization Studio to create this map i.e. high resolution model. For this, scientists took the help of data from Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS). The question is that if so much carbon dioxide is released, the Earth’s climate will change. Dangerous weather will come.

NASA, India, CO2, Carbon Dioxide

Heat is increasing every year, the reason is CO2

NASA had said that last year was the hottest year in the world. But now this year has also turned out to be hot. In many places, the reason for this heat is excessive emission of carbon dioxide. In May 2024, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere at some places was recorded at 427 parts per million. Whereas in the year 1750 it was 278 parts per million.

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The atmosphere was most affected in the last 50 years

This gas is necessary in some quantity, but its quantity in the earth’s atmosphere is continuously increasing. At least a lot in the last 50 years. Because of this the heat is increasing. That means global warming. Due to which extreme weather events are happening all over the world.

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