The havoc of the bullies, the orgy of JCB and two women buried alive in the soil… the whole story of this cruel incident of the 21st century will shock you.

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Women Buried Alive in Soil: When the law is used for some other purpose. When the police starts subservient to the government and when the government becomes bigger than the public, then one should not be surprised if a living person is buried. Don’t know whether this news reached you or not amid the noise of the nameless shop that two women were buried alive in our own country. This sensational incident is from Madhya Pradesh. You will be stunned to know this.

Who cares about humans?
It is not known whether Akbar had actually got Anarkali buried alive in the wall or not. Don’t even know what it feels like to bury a living person? Anyway, nowadays mango and guava have become more important than humans? The poor guy is being sold by people of different religions and sects at different shops and carts without any fault. Then who cares about living humans in such a situation? Otherwise you tell me. Have you ever seen such an incident before? But what will you do?

20 July 2024, Saturday
The incident took place in Rewa district of Madhya Pradesh. Of Hanauta Kothar village falling in Mangawan police station area of ​​Rewa. There, one woman is buried in the mud till her waist, while the other woman is almost completely buried under the ground. There is an outcry in the entire area and everyone is trying to get these two women out from under the ground as soon as possible. Someone is using a spade, someone has brought a spade, while someone is continuously digging the soil with his hands, so that both the women can be taken out from under the soil somehow before they suffocate.

Rule of law or jungle rule?
Surely those pictures are strange and disturbing. But at the same time it is also surprising. At first glance, it is difficult to understand how these two women ended up in this condition. Is this the result of some superstitious tradition or some accident? How did two women get buried under the ground in the middle of the fields? But when you will hear the whole story of these women being buried alive, you will also be surprised to know how this was possible under the rule of law? Because these women did not get buried under the ground due to some accident or mistake. Rather, some people deliberately brought them to this situation. Tried to take his life by burying him under the soil while he was alive.

This is how both women’s lives were saved
It is strange to hear that how a person can do such a terrible and depraved act with another person like himself. But what some people, blinded by enmity, did to two rural women in Rewa on Saturday, shocked people not only in Rewa district but in the entire country. It must be good for the villagers who showed their agility and immediately took both the women out from under the ground and took them to the hospital, which saved both their lives, otherwise anything could have happened.

This whole incident will shock you
Now let us understand the whole story of this incident behind two women being buried alive in a sequence wise manner. Actually, people of a family are trying to build a road on this land located in the middle of the village, while some of their other relatives are opposing this. Actually there is a dispute between the two families regarding this land. The aggrieved party says that this land is theirs and the court has already decided in their favor twice. But despite this, the attacking party is adamant on its insistence on building the road and when they protested, they tried to bury two women alive in the soil in a similar manner. Due to which both of their lives were ruined.

Two women buried alive under soil
Gokarna Prasad Pandey and Mahendra Prasad Pandey of the village want to build a road on this land, while Jeevesh Kumar Pandey and Shivesh Kumar Pandey are opposing it. But despite the protests, on Saturday the first attacking party reached the spot by filling granular red soil i.e. Morang in a dumper along with a JCB to build the road. Coincidentally, both Jivesh and Shivesh were not at home at that time. And in such a situation, his wives Mamta and Asha Pandey took charge. In protest, both of them went and sat at the same place where the accused party wanted to put Morang. But the limit was reached when, on the request of the accused, the driver of the dumper emptied the dumper full of morang on both the women. Due to which both the women were buried alive under the soil.

A woman fainted due to respiratory arrest
Suddenly a dumper full of morung was overturned on both the women and both of them got stuck under the mud. Especially Mamta Pandey’s head was filled with mud, due to which even breathing became difficult for her. Whereas Asha Pandey Pandey also became helpless to move due to being buried in the mud till her waist. The situation was such that Mamta became unconscious within a few minutes due to respiratory arrest. However, the villagers somehow dug out the soil and took both of them out and after giving first aid, took them to the nearby hospital, where their condition is currently out of danger.

threatened the lives of both women
The victim women say that due to difficulty in breathing, they remained unconscious for about two hours after the incident. Both the women have been deeply shocked by this incident and they are still feeling threat to their lives. The victimized women say that the accused party was continuously threatening them in an attempt to take over their land. Earlier there had been an altercation and fight with him regarding this matter.

The accused had already threatened
On Saturday, he reached their land with a dumper and JCB to build a road. Even when he refused to do so, the accused threatened to bury him alive and finally did the same. The victim said that he shot the entire incident on his mobile phone, due to which the accused got scared, otherwise they could have done anything.

action against the accused
However, when these pictures of two women being buried alive went viral on social media, the police registered a case against the accused and also seized the vehicles used in the crime. Rewa Collector Pratibha Pal herself started monitoring the matter. You can gauge the seriousness of this matter from the fact that Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav himself had to clear his stand on this matter through X.

Chief Minister gave clarification
CM Dr. Mohan Yadav wrote – The case of crime against women in Rewa district came to my notice from the video received through social media, in which I have instructed the district administration and police to take immediate action. In the case of pouring mud on two women with a dumper in a family dispute related to land in Hanauta Kothar village under Mangawana police station of the district, the police took immediate action and arrested one accused, the search for two others is going on. After treatment, the women have been discharged from the hospital. The safety of the citizens of Madhya Pradesh, especially women, is the top priority of the government. The accused will not be spared in any crime against them and will be given severe punishment.

The opposition called this incident a failure of the government.
Now, how could the opposition remain silent on such a serious matter in which the Chief Minister of the state himself had to come forward and present his stand, then the leaders of other parties including the Congress linked this matter to the failure of the government on the issue of women’s safety. At present, both the women have been discharged from the hospital after treatment, while the process of action against the accused party is going on.

MP Public Relations Department has also presented the government’s side on this matter. But these pictures from the rural areas of Rewa have once again proved how people sometimes cross all limits in property disputes.

(Input by Vijay Kumar Vishwakarma from Rewa)

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