RTE Maharashtra Lottery Result 2024-25 Check @student.maharashtra.gov.in

The Maharashtra Department of School Education and Sports has announced that the Maharashtra RTE Lottery Result 2024-25 will be released soon. The result will be available on the official website at student.maharashtra.gov.in. This lottery determines which students will be offered the 25% of seats reserved for underprivileged children in private schools (unaided) from pre-primary to…

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“Bad” Cholesterol? This Breakfast Smoothie May Make Your Heart (And Taste Buds) Happy

Smoothies are a healthy breakfast meal. Cholesterol, a waxy substance found in your blood, is vital for building healthy cells. However, high levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, often referred to as “bad” cholesterol, can increase the risk of heart disease. A balanced diet plays a crucial role in managing cholesterol levels. Incorporating foods that…

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