So far 20 thousand suspicious candidates have been found in the constable recruitment exam, they will reach the exam center two and a half hours before, they will have to submit these documents

So far 20 thousand suspicious candidates have been found in the constable recruitment exam. All of them have been instructed to reach the exam center two and a half hours before the exam day with supplementary documents (PAN card, driving license and passport). All of them will be eKYCed at the exam center. Only after

ISRO Chief’s announcement… Design of Chandrayaan-4 and 5 is ready, will launch 70 satellites in five years

Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) chief Dr. S. Somnath said that if the government approves, Chandrayaan-4 mission can be launched soon. Because ISRO has prepared the design of Chandrayaan-4 and 5. We are just waiting for the green signal from the government. Chandrayaan-4 mission will bring samples of rocks and soil from the surface of