Palestine President reaches Russia, why Moscow continues to support Gaza Strip, how are the relations with Israel?

Palestine President Mahmoud Abbas has gone to Russia. This is considered very important, especially when there is a full-scale war going on between Palestine’s Hamas and Israel for almost 10 months. So is Russia going to mediate in this, or can it, being a Palestinian organization, help Hamas? Calling itself impartial, Russia supported Palestine’s existence

‘Donkeys will not be able to become horses…’, the principal of Rampur government school told the officer on the question of students’ education.

In Uttar Pradesh, a scheme is being run in government schools to make students faster in studies. Although this work comes under the Basic Education Department, but a task force has been formed under the chairmanship of Rampur District Magistrate (DM), in which officers from different departments have been included, who reach the schools to

‘Gave interest indiscriminately, now goodbye’, troubled by loan sharks, Saurabh Babbar of Saharanpur committed suicide along with his wife, wrote these things in the suicide note

‘I am so trapped in the mire of debt that there is no way out. That’s why I and my wife are ending our lives…’, Saurabh Babbar of Saharanpur has written these lines in the suicide note. Troubled by debts, Saurabh along with his wife Mona committed suicide by jumping into the Ganga in Haridwar.